Justin Walker


Hide extra page area to the right of your content

This is an issue that I’ve had for quite some time that would pop up here and there. In some cases I was never able to figure it out. This issue: an extra 500px or more of background space would be placed to the right of my content when I would design a page with centered content. The content would be perfectly centered in the window, but the extra space would exist, complete with scroll bars...

CSS Child and Sibling Selectors

I’m working on a website right now and I was trying to figure out how to target a particular paragraph tag in a set of similar divs. I didn’t want to have to go and add classes to each paragraph tag, so I searched for CSS child selectors.  I found this great post on CSS Tricks that explains how it works: http://css-tricks.com/5514-child-and-sibling-selectors/

How I feel about Netflix and Qwikster

Me along with thousands of other Netflix customers are not too happy about Netflix’s decision to split their streaming and DVD-by-mail business into two separate companies.  The ever genius Matthew Inman over at The Oatmeal captured just how I feel.UPDATE: It looks like Netflix has listened to the uproar from it’s customers and is no longer splitting the company. FTW!

iPhone 4S with Siri

I just pre-ordered my iPhone 4S yesterday.  I currently have the iPhone 4 so I’m definitely not in need of an upgrade, but the new features in the iPhone 4S were just too good to pass up.  The biggest feature that I am excited about it the Siri voice assistant.  We’ve had voice dialing and simple voice commands for quite some time now but it has always been awkward to use and required you speak...

Steve and Henry Having Breakfast

via cuteboyswithcats.net